Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Talk With Guest Daniel

Daniel is a fellow member of our Legacy Journal Corps. I had the pleasure to interview him recently.

C: First question, how have you been?

D: I've been very good, hehe.

C: Alright, next question. What have you done this week?

D: Uh, well first, I've been to the Broncos Game, and then I went up to the mountains to view the Rocky Mountains I guess. And I watched TV, but that's basically it.

C: Ah, did you watch any of your favorite shows?

D: The Walking Dead.

C: That's a good show!

C: Another question, have you talked to any good people lately?

D: A bunch, actually. For example, my parents I guess? Haha, I guess anyone we talk to.

C: Last question, have you listened to any good music recently?

D: Uh, none really, no. I'm not really a music guy.

C: Well thank you for talking with me, Daniel!

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