Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My Entire Day as a PHOJO in FOCO(It was LOCO)((Not Really Anything to do With the Conference))

So, I woke up at six o' five, which is thirty-five minutes past my alarm's set-off. After a hop in the shower, I rushed out the door in Mossie, drove to school, got caught in traffic, and made it to the checkpoint at 7:11 AM. Not too shabby for a grungey 90s scenario.

What I was personally most excited for was the bus ride. Before this field trip, I hadn't rode in a school bus since I was in first grade, because I went to a charter school for most of my school career. So when I got to ride on the bus, I was in a euphoric state. For the field trip, we had to share a bus with Mountain Range High School. This upset me slightly at first because those kids chose the back rows of the bus first, and I was looking forward to sitting there. However, MR redeemed themselves soon after by presenting several boxes of delicious doughnuts to all passengers. By the time we reached the highway, I was looking at all the amazing things outside the window of my side, caught in deep thought. It was so weird knowing that things really happened in the world this early in the morning besides school. We passed farms, and I thought I saw my own land. But farmers were out in the fields, moving dirt with giant equipment, truckers were hauling payloads to distant places, and cars were heading to work. I'm still amazed as this is happening as I type this. But, we eventually pulled into CSU's parking lot for disembarkation.

When I got off the bus, Mrs. Brown was giving instructions for the day. A girl was about to throw away a full box of doughnuts from the bus, but my scream of horror prevented such a travesty from happening, and I ended up with a free lunch for the day. Funny how fate works out like that sometimes. But, me and my journalism clique went to the conferences without a hitch. I loved the time I spent there, and learned a lot too.  

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