Friday, September 19, 2014

More Guns = Less Crime?

In the US, gun ownership has risen,while crime rates have dropped. While the current media encourages the idea that guns are creating more crime, actual statistics show otherwise. In 1994, Congress passed and President Clinton signed the "Assault Weapons" Ban, and within the next three years, violent crime rates had nearly doubled. When the ban expired in 2004, nearly 40% more guns were sold than in previous years. By 2012, the crime rate of the entire US had dropped by 49% from 1993. At the same time, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that gun purchases were at an all-time high via background check systems. More people were buying guns. In fact, 70% more women were buying firearms than previously in 2008. Because more citizens were armed, more criminals were reluctant to commit crimes like burglary, rape, assault, and robbery. In a survey of criminals, 3/5 felons admitted that they would not rob a person if they knew their target was armed. In Washington D.C., carrying a firearm outside your home is against the law. Not surprisingly, D.C. has an immensely high rate of violent offenses (1,243.7 crimes per 100,000). In conclusion, guns don't create crimes by themselves, but with bad people using them. Yet if everybody had a gun, the bad guy would think twice before doing evil.


1 comment:

  1. This is a great start, but you need to expand more. Show me you know the inverted pyramid. Write multiple paragraphs and have the main topic as the first sentence. Write more!
