Friday, September 19, 2014

More Guns = Less Crime?

In the US, gun ownership has risen,while crime rates have dropped. While the current media encourages the idea that guns are creating more crime, actual statistics show otherwise. In 1994, Congress passed and President Clinton signed the "Assault Weapons" Ban, and within the next three years, violent crime rates had nearly doubled. When the ban expired in 2004, nearly 40% more guns were sold than in previous years. By 2012, the crime rate of the entire US had dropped by 49% from 1993. At the same time, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that gun purchases were at an all-time high via background check systems. More people were buying guns. In fact, 70% more women were buying firearms than previously in 2008. Because more citizens were armed, more criminals were reluctant to commit crimes like burglary, rape, assault, and robbery. In a survey of criminals, 3/5 felons admitted that they would not rob a person if they knew their target was armed. In Washington D.C., carrying a firearm outside your home is against the law. Not surprisingly, D.C. has an immensely high rate of violent offenses (1,243.7 crimes per 100,000). In conclusion, guns don't create crimes by themselves, but with bad people using them. Yet if everybody had a gun, the bad guy would think twice before doing evil.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fictional Reccollection from 9/11

The account mentioned below is fictional, and is made using excerpts from an article found here: It is told from the viewpoint of an off-duty Firefighter called to help the efforts of saving people from the World Trade Centers after two airliners have crashed into the large skyscrapers.

"This morning, I woke up from a phone call. It was from my chief, he said to get my gear and head to the Business District. Once I got down there, I saw my fate: Something tearing a gaping hole into the building and setting it ablaze. When I arrived at the base of the towers, nearly 17 minutes later, similar damage. I could not believe what I was witnessing, a horrible dream had burned itself into a reality. We were escorting one last group out, and life changed. Compounding the horror, a loud roar let out above, and Tower One had collapsed entirely. This fallen steel left us as overwhelmed Americans."

Friday, September 5, 2014

If The Stars Were of Fortune...

"...Under my absolute control, to raise and settle the Sun and Moon on a value of celestial responsibility to which was due to my loyal subjects, the beings of Equestria."

Princess Celestia.

On the prompt idea, "Who would you choose, celebrity or fictional character, to be your best friend? What would you do?", my mind eases to revive my long-secluded imagination at the mere sound of her name. Oh, Such feeling comes to me when I imagine her actually existing! If you are wondering who this "Princess Celestia" person is, here's an answer. Princess Celestia is the ruler of the land of Equestria, a magical place where three types of ponies live and thrive together: Earth, Pegasi, and Unicorns. One Unicorn in particular is Twilight Sparkle, a gifted pony who resided in Canterlot, and attended The School of Gifted Unicorns with Celestia as her personal mentor. Celestia is in charge of raising the Sun everyday, and ruling over Equestria. She used to control the being of the Moon, but relinquished that task to her younger sister, Princess Luna.

So if I were to choose a friend that would be the best of any, I'd say Celestia is my choice. As a friend, I'd feel as though there would be a lesson in everything we'd do together. She would not only be a great friend, but a mentor as well. There would be many tasks to be done, after all, she is the ruler of Equestria. In the Canterlot Palace, we would be up in the late hours of the night, preparing for the exact time where Celestia would use the powerful magic of her being to raise the Sun, ever so gracefully. In the Royal Archives, we would research and read many fascinating entries by the great sorcerer, Starswirl the Bearded. Occasionally, we would visit the smaller places of Equestria, like Manehatten, Appleloosa, Ponyville, Fillydelphia,(Horse-Puns!) the Crystal Empire, and sometimes the Everfree Forest, on royal duties. I wish I could write more about my fictional adventures, but I fear I may have just crossed into creepy fan-fiction territory already. But, I stand by my choice of Princess Celestia being my best fictional friend.