Monday, August 25, 2014

I hate my life, and you can too.

I don't like many things these days, and schoolwork is not one of those things. I also don't like computers, which are required to do this (typing, that is). I don't like waking up early, to go get dressed, and go to a place that I don't like. I don't like talking to many people at this place that I don't like. In fact, chances are, if you're reading this, I don't like you. Oh. What's the worst that you, a person I don't like, can do to me? Tell me that you don't like me? Ha. You would be telling me, who doesn't like you, that you don't like me, while I don't like myself. But enough of me, I don't like divulging into myself, what don't you like?


  1. You may not like you, but I like you. You are unique, and that's hard to be in this world. Plus, this made me laugh really hard, and if you don't like me, that's ok, I still think you are pretty cool haha :D

    1. Thank you for your kind words! The message of this post was to make people laugh, and I'm glad you did! I have nothing against you(I actually think your blog is really cool), so don't be totally nervous to say hi to me if you want. Thanks for the words!

  2. I don't know you very well hardly at all actually but from your participation and comments in class i feel you are a very nice and funny person! And if you don't like me well sorry for commenting but i read this and wanted to. I like how you put my little pony on everything you post that's unique and your not afraid to be yourself which a lot of people in this world would benefit from that quality (including me). And i dont like how you put yourself down and why you don't like who you are.... don't let anybody put you down including yourself!! be proud who you are and if people don't like that then that's on them! And i know i sound like a broken record but keep your head up, DO YOU be yourself and love yourself you seem like a great person and if you ever need someone to talk to don't hesitate to talk to me. And maybe you don't care about my opinion but hopefully you care enough to at least take a little bit of what i said in consideration. Ill leave it at that. . .

    1. Thank you! I'm not really a cynical person, I just wrote this in hopes to make people laugh. I like how caring you are to actually look at me and try to make me feel better! I don't hate you Trevon, I actually think you're a pretty awesome person to have class with! You are pretty unique and funny, it brightens up my day! I totally respect your opinion, and I'll try to stop seeing all the bad in myself. See you in class, man.

    2. That feels good for me to hear it just made my night. See you in class!
