Friday, November 7, 2014

Why Banning Guns is Good

Many people think guns are good,but those people are wrong and stupid and evil and babykillers.... So why haven't we banned them yet? Here are some great reasons why banning guns would make all of America's problems simply disappear.

First of all, guns are just evil. Guns kill, like billions of people every year, that's like a million a day. This clearly proves that guns are the most dangerous things on the planet. Imagine all those people living because nothing like guns were around to kill them. They'd all live like, forever.

Secondly, removing guns would stop ALL violence in society.

"If you ban guns, nobody could get them anymore. Simple as that," Says Tadd Evernetty, a Logics professor at some college. This makes sense,obviously because creating a ban would make all guns disappear. Gun-nuts will tell you that criminals will still get them no matter what, but they are just lying to keep their agenda relevant. The government should take note of this, but they're too busy hooking up with the radicals of the NRA to see the evil of their ways.

Another fact is that guns are just scary.

The second amendment was written just for muskets, but that's not what the bad people are using today. Now, more scary, dangerous guns exist. Like the AR-15, an assault gun capable of shooting an entire 30 caliber clip in half a second. It is made even more deadly with several attachments, like a pistol grip that makes it shoot faster, a shoulder thing that goes up(Makes it able to conceal the gun in any type of clothing), and the thing on the barrel that makes the gun invisible when fired. On top of it all, all of the gun is black, and that is because it blends in with the night, the time when most of the gun-nuts come out of hiding. Why does anyone need that thing in their home?

So, if these evil machines are taken off the streets, imagine how much better our world would be, as all bad things would simply stop.


1 comment:

  1. I like the use of the word like in this one. It really helps make this piece satirical!
